Monday, April 20, 2020

Sustainable Food Preparation free essay sample

Through out the world food preparation has become more damaging to the world. In London, food creates 19 million tones of greenhouse gas emissions per year which is more than from all of London’s transport and all of London’s houses. Sustainable food is safe, healthy and nutritious, for consumers in shops, restaurants, schools, and hospitals etc, and can meet the needs of the less well off people and provides a livable livelihood for farmers, processors and retailers, whose employees enjoy a safe and hygienic working environment whether in the Australia  or overseas. The main steps to have a fully sustainable restaurant include: 1) Providing local, organic and vegetarian menu options. 2) Choosing foods and other products with little or no packaging. 3) Using reusable cutlery, cups, glasses, plates and platters. 4) Storing foods appropriately. 5) Reduce waste. 6) Reducing water consumption. 7) Trying to grow some of your own food. 8) Supporting fair trade. 9) Raising awareness. 10) Using smaller portions. We will write a custom essay sample on Sustainable Food Preparation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 11) Using short cooking methods such as microwaving, stir frying and grilling. Although practices vary, farmers who grow sustainable food to avoid weed, disease and pest problems, get nitrogen from natural sources like green manure and compost, practice soil conservation, minimize soil erosion and eliminate or limit the contamination of water with agricultural chemicals. The strategies they use to control pests are not harmful to the farmer, the consumer or the land and soil structure. In America, Ohio State’s dining services programs are actively committed to helping the earth. Initiatives such as local purchasing in Ohio, providing eco-friendly, biodegradable containers and utensils, offering  tray-less and bag-free service, work to support the local economy, reduce waste, and conserve water resources. Food waste is sent through the facility’s food pulper, shipped off-site and repurposed as compost or other byproduct. Used cooking oil is recycled and converted into bio-diesel fuel. They also convince Patrons can do their part in helping us reduce our environmental mpact by recycling their packaged products, purchasing one of our reusable bags or bringing their own, and visiting us with their reusable beverage containers. Customers who bring in their reusable mugs receive coffee for the price of a small. Sustainable food in both the commercial and home kitchen provides a much greener future and by taking time to use these methods for preparing food, you are able to create both a healthier meal and much healthier earth.